
The Ultimate Wedding Budget Checklist: Every Penny Counts

So, you've got a rock on your finger, stars in your eyes, and a notebook full of dreams (or maybe that's just Pinterest). Now what? Budget, darling, budget! Believe it or not, you don't need to break the bank to make those dreamy visions come to life. What you do need is a solid wedding budget checklist to guide you.

How to Plan a Memorable Wedding Under $5000

Let's debunk a myth today: extravagant price tags don't always mean better weddings. Sometimes, the most memorable ones are those planned with a dash of creativity, a sprinkle of DIY, and, of course, a whole lot of love. So, whether you’re saving for a future home, a dreamy honeymoon, or just keeping it simple, here's how to have a blast for under $5000.