Last-Minute Prep: 5 Things To Do the Day Before Your Wedding

The moment you've been waiting for is almost here! The butterflies fluttering in your stomach aren't just from that champagne toast at your rehearsal dinner. It's the thrill and jitters of what's about to come - your wedding day. While this day is about celebration, love, and a bit of dancing (okay, a lot of dancing), the day leading up to it can make a world of difference in how smoothly things go. Let's dive into the ultimate pre-wedding day checklist that combines both practicality and self-care.

woman in a bath tub

Pamper Yourself: Relax and Unwind

Before the whirlwind of the wedding day hits, take a moment (or a few hours) just for you. If a spa day sounds dreamy, go for that massage or facial. However, if the idea of venturing out sounds tiring, bring the spa to you. Fill up your tub, drop in some calming essential oils like lavender or chamomile, and let your worries melt away. Trust us; a relaxed bride is a radiant bride.

woman working with laptop in the kitchen

Review the Schedule and Checklist

While spontaneous adventures are fun, your wedding day might not be the best time for them. Sit down with your partner or trusted maid of honor, and walk through the day's events. Are you both clear on when the photo session starts or when the caterer will arrive? Double-check with your vendors too. And here's a gold nugget of advice: keep a list or folder with all vendor contacts. It's like the Swiss Army knife of wedding planning.

woman packing things into a brown leather bag

Pack an Emergency Kit

The magic of weddings? The unexpected moments. That might mean a torn hem or smudged lipstick. Enter: the emergency kit. Think of this as your bridal Batman utility belt. Pack in safety pins, touch-up makeup, breath mints, and maybe even a cheeky energy bar (because hunger waits for no bride). Remember that time Aunt Sue spilled red wine on her white dress? She'd have given anything for a quick fix from an emergency kit!

couple sitting on a couch together

Spend Quality Time with Loved Ones

Amidst the hustle and bustle, steal some moments with your family and friends. Reminisce about the funny childhood memories, or that summer adventure that led to this big day. And while you're at it, share a quiet moment with your partner. It's a beautiful time to pause, connect, and perhaps laugh about the jitters before the big step.

woman sleeping in a bed

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

While this may seem obvious, it’s paramount! After all, you'd want to be your most alert, happiest, and brightest self. Think glowing skin, a sharp mind, and all those happy endorphins buzzing. Help yourself by avoiding caffeine after mid-afternoon, skipping heavy meals before bed, and setting up a serene sleep environment. If you've never tried a sleep mask or earplugs, tonight might be the night to start!

The magic of a wedding isn't just in the ceremony, the vows, or the first dance. It's in the preparation, the love-filled moments, and the excitement of what's to come. Remember, the best foundation for your big day is a well-rested, relaxed you. Breathe deep, cherish every moment, and step into your wedding day with joy. After all, it's your time to shine!